Face Place Marvel Adventure Lab


  • Dimensions: W 44" x D 68" x H 110" ( With Top Sign Display)

Product Description

Turn Your Photo into Comic Book Art!

Marvel Adventure Lab – Become part of a Marvel adventure! Choose from a wide range of covers and stories that are under Marvel product licensing and an exclusive product from Apple Industries. The stories and covers are automatically updated and come with an authentic comic print finish.

  • Exclusive Marvel Comic Stories & Covers
  • Auto-Updated Stories & Covers
  • Secure Payment Platform
  • Touch Screen Navigation
  • Authentic Comic Print Finish

This is an exclusive amusement machine concept developed by Apple Industries in partnership with MARVEL! The “Marvel Adventure Lab” offers a truly unique and amazing photo booth experience. The booth turns your photos into a comic art style and inserts them within your choice of covers or stories.  Become part of a customized comic book alongside your favorite Marvel characters (Spider-Man, Ant Man, Thor, Black Panther, Captain America, Guardians of The Galaxy, The Avengers, Iron Man, Hulk)!

Marvel Adventure Lab features touch screen navigation and is credit/debit card capable (optional).