Alan-1 Asteroids Recharged

Asteroids Recharged is the fifth version of Atari’s Asteroids to come to the arcade scene,
following Asteroids Deluxe, Space Duel, & Blasteroids.


Product Description

Asteroids Recharged is the fifth version of Atari’s Asteroids to come to the arcade scene,following Asteroids Deluxe, Space Duel, & Blasteroids. The player controls a spaceship surrounded by asteroids, and they must shoot them for points and survive. When an asteroid is hit, it splits into two smaller pieces. Shoot one of those pieces again, and it will split into
smaller, faster asteroids. Once the smallest asteroids are shot, they disappear from the screen. Each time the rocks are smaller, they change in point value, but by hitting the asteroids in succession (i.e., landing each shot and not missing), a bonus multiplier can increase points.

In this version of Asteroids, the game includes many power-ups to give the player the upper hand. This includes Explosive Bullets, 7x Burst shots, Deflectors, and more. It also supports two players at the same time.

Thanks to the arcade cabinet, players get to use the same button controls that the original had with a LEFT & RIGHT ROTATE button to adjust your direction, FIRE to shoot, THRUST for forward motion on the screen, HYPERSPACE to jump to a random point on the screen to escape dangerous situations. Just note: When using the Hyperspace function, there is a small chance that your ship will overload and explode. So be careful and don’t overuse it!

Arcade Exclusive Features

A number of features have been added to this edition of Asteroids Recharged that are not present in the console version that was released back in 2021. These include:

  • Refined gameplay that holds closer to the arcade original while increasing the action.
  • Bonus multipliers. This means that if you hit an asteroid, you get a small point bonus; if your next shot hits another asteroid, the point bonus increases. This continues until a maximum limit is reached, or you fire a shot that misses. A missed shot resets the multiplier.
  • Wave-based gameplay. There are 256 waves to play through, including some new Challenge Waves that offer unique situations and enemies.
  • User selectable difficulty. Players can choose Beginning, Advanced, and Expert when beginning a game.
  • Voice overs. “Commander Champion” guides the player in how to play the game and comments on the player’s performance.
  • This is an official comic book that locations can sell or give away as prizes. Players who complete Wave 256 of the game will also insert themselves into a special Asteroids comic!
  • Online leaderboards and achievements through the integrated Major League eSports (MLeS) app. Find out more about the app here:
  • Optional ticket redemption support.
  • Physical effects (called “toys” by the game) such as a cabinet knocker, wind effect fans, two types of rumble motors, and interactive LED lighting that reacts to events.
  • Secrets. Yes, secrets are embedded into the game – think, in a way, the “Konami Code” of old. After a coin is inserted or the card is swiped/tapped, a screen will show the MLeS QR code. If you input a certain sequence of button presses while on this screen, a chime will play for a successful input. Then, push start to see what you might have unlocked. Explore the possibilities and get people talking!


One aspect of Asteroids Recharged that is unique from the original arcade versions is the addition of power-ups. These can mean the difference between in-game life and death! They are obtained by shooting at the giant dome UFO that occasionally appears on the screen. Players must take a risk to grab the power-up while also keeping in mind that depending upon the game’s difficulty, an invincibility timer is attached to each pick-up. Beginner waves have the longest timer, while Expert waves have a practically non-existent timer. Also, power-ups are based on a pre-set time, not how many shots you have, so use them quickly.

How to Play: 

  • Destroy rocks & UFOs for points while serving
  • use ROTATE LEFT and ROTATE RIGHT to aim your ship
  • Press THRUST to move around & FIRE to shoot
  • HYPERSPACE sends you to a random spot on the screen
  • Grab POWER-UPS to gain an advantage for a limited time

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